how to file a mesothelioma lawsuit

Who Should File a Mesothelioma Claim?

Other Forms of Financial Assistance

Mesothelioma patients and their family members may pursue other types of financial assistance.

In some instances, filing for a particular type of claim might mean that you cannot seek compensation elsewhere.

Speak with an asbestos attorney about the possible restrictions.

1. Insurance Claims

There are a few types of insurance that may give you financial help if you or your family member is a victim of mesothelioma.

2. Veterans’ Claims

As a veteran, you are eligible if exposed. Learning how to file a mesothelioma lawsuit is challenging. Veterans Affairs may give you monetary benefits and treatment resources. Filing on behalf of a family member is acceptable.

3. Workers’ Compensation Act

Workers’ compensation is an extra option that may give you financial help. It covers the expenses of diagnosis, treatment, lost income, and mesothelioma death.

4. Settlements

If you reach a settlement, you don’t need to go forward with a lawsuit. Settlements are great as they can save you a lot of time and money.

Your lawyer may suggest that you accept a settlement to get your compensation quicker and avoid the stress of court proceedings.

5. Asbestos Trust Funds

You may pursue compensation through an asbestos trust fund. There are over 65 trust funds that may accept your claims, and over $30 billion is available.

The money is obtained from bankrupt asbestos companies and set aside to pay for current and future claims.