residential asbestos removal

Why You Need Qualified Residential Asbestos Removal

Asbestos added strength and fireproofing to building materials before most people understand the danger. This harmful fibrous mineral causes many health problems, such as mesothelioma and other forms of cancer. If you're remodeling your home or notice damaged materials in portions of your home, schedule an asbestos inspection for your home.

Identifying Your Need for Residential Asbestos Removal

Discovering whether you have hazardous materials in your home protects the welfare of every member of your household. Trust a professional for a job this crucial to your family's well-being.

Since you cannot tell the asbestos content in building materials simply by looking at them, you will have to have it tested.

Until the professionals determine whether or not your house has asbestos, it is best that you leave the materials in question alone. The fibers cause the most damage when they escape into the air inside your home.

If your home does contain asbestos, relax. Your asbestos removal professional can solve your asbestos problems using EPA guidelines for safety. Leave building materials undisturbed and intact. Materials that are crumbling or about to be replaced, however, should be tested for your safety.

An accredited asbestos professional samples the materials from your home for asbestos. Only a professional performs a thorough inspection both before and after removing asbestos. More danger comes from incorrectly gathering samples and freeing the asbestos fibers into the air.

Residential Asbestos Removal Facts for Homeowners

Protect your family from the harmful effects of asbestos with these important tips for reducing the danger of asbestos in your home.

Make sure you do not disturb any undamaged materials that contain asbestos. Releasing the asbestos fibers into the air creates a hazardous situation. Limit the area's usage to quieter activities that won't damage the walls, ceilings, or floors.

Additionally, limit access to children in the area contaminated with asbestos. They could create a hazardous situation by just playing in the area. Keep the walls, ceilings, and floors in the area from being damaged however you must.

Hire an accredited professional to handle your residential asbestos removal. You can cause tremendous health risks for yourself and your family when attempting to handle asbestos without the proper training.

Never dust, vacuum, or sweep up any debris that may have asbestos in it. Do not saw, drill, scrape, or sand any materials that might contain asbestos.

Remove your shoes, so you don't track material with asbestos through your home. Clean the floor with a wet mop if you absolutely must walk through the area.

Never scrub your flooring with asbestos using brushes or scrubbing pads on power strippers. You risk releasing dangerous asbestos fibers into the air.

And never sand your asbestos flooring material or backing. Install your flooring over the old material if you need a new floor.

Resolve Your Asbestos Issue

If you have damaged materials that may contain asbestos in your home, you have two options: repair and removal. Understanding the difference between the two can help you make the right decision for your family's safety.

Repair entails sealing or covering the material containing asbestos. Whichever method you choose, the asbestos remains where it is.

Sealing, or encapsulation, is a process where the material is treated with a sealant that prevents the fibers from being released. Sealing is sometimes the choice for furnace, boiler, and pipe insulation.

On the other hand, covering, or enclosure, involves putting a safe, new product over or around the asbestos-containing material. This covering keeps the asbestos fibers from being released into the air.

If you are planning to make changes to your house, removal may be your best option to eradicate the threat of asbestos. Hire a trained professional to oversee your residential asbestos removal. Otherwise, you end up with more damage and raise your family's asbestos exposure.

Professional Asbestos Services Protect Your Investment and Your Health

There are generally two major types of asbestos professionals that you can hire for residential asbestos removal. Check for the necessary accreditation and experience before you hire anyone.

Asbestos inspectors assess the condition of the house, gather samples for asbestos testing, and provide advice about the best way to get help with your asbestos problem.

An accredited inspector checks your home after your asbestos removal or repair services, to make sure the proper procedures were followed and the area is safe. Further, asbestos inspectors monitor the clean-up process and check the indoor air quality, to make sure the asbestos fibers have not increased from the abatement process.

Asbestos contractors are the ones to call for any repair or removal of asbestos materials in your home. They follow EPA guidelines to eradicate your asbestos problem, keeping your family safe from harm.

Trust only a properly trained and accredited professional to handle asbestos when you need qualified residential asbestos removal or repair.

When it comes to the good health of your household members, choose an asbestos repair or removal expert that understands the importance of proper handling and disposal.

Contact your local asbestos abatement professionals for more information about how to make your home safer and protect your family's health.